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Using memories to measure mental strength

We've all faced difficult times, experienced trauma, and encountered failures. Even today, the thought of those moments can send a shiver down our spine. Some memories make our bodies ache, while others still break our hearts and bring tears to our eyes. But did you know that you can use these memories as a tool to test your mental strength? Your recurring memories can provide valuable insight into how much you've overcome trauma and how resilient your mind has become. I'll guide you through a simple test to use this tool effectively.

As days turn into months and years, the frequency of these painful memories tends to decrease. You can't predict what might suddenly trigger these memories, and you shouldn't force yourself to remember them. Instead, pay attention to how you feel each time these memories resurface. Do you experience the same overwhelming emotions you felt during the actual event? Do you find yourself in infinite thoughts on the unfairness of it all? Do you feel a strong sense of resentment towards those involved? If your answer is "yes" to any of these questions, it might indicate that you haven't fully healed from the trauma. You might still be entangled in those emotions, and it's important to actively work on moving past them.

On the other hand, if thinking about the trauma or the people connected to it makes you uncomfortable but with reduced intensity, and if those negative thoughts naturally fade away, then it's a sign that you've made progress in your personal development journey. With time, you'll notice that the trauma gradually loses its grip on your emotions. The mishap becomes just another chapter in your life story. Even if you meet those people again, their negativity won't affect you as much.

The ultimate goal is to reach a state where there isn't even a trace of hatred or ill will toward those individuals. Instead, you should feel gratitude for the valuable life lessons you've learned because of their actions. You should have compassion for them. Their success should bring you genuine happiness, and nothing else.

Reaching this level of maturity takes time and effort, and you shouldn't force yourself to get there. Gradually, with intention, you'll find yourself moving in that direction. Until then, continue working with your memories of various incidents or people in your life, whether it's your boss, sister-in-law, parents, spouse, or children. The next time a memory resurfaces, take a moment to pause and analyze it.

Let me give you a secret tip pausing and analyzing your memories is in itself a sign of mental strength.

Tell me in the comments below if you know other tests of mental strength.

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